5-6 April 2019, Inkonst Malmö (SE)
Two days of art, research and dreams of the future with Human Life Center#2: Dreaming, Trauma and Seeds (for futures to come). Following last year’s success performance collective in Inkonst Malmö (SE), Tlön once again open the doors to their center for creative thought and practice beyond the normal, this time focused on the future.
Human Life Center#2 – Program & Schedule
During two days, Malmö Inkonst’s blackbox is transformed into a symposium where dreaming is serious business. Trauma specialists, futurologists, invited artists and the audience come together in an experiment where visions of the future are mixed with tools to open up the imagination.
Human Life Center (Dreaming, trauma and seeds for futures to come) is a time and a space that makes room for experience what could happen if we had the courage, imagination and desire to imagine a new kind of futures. If only for a moment.
Tlön is a performance collective based in Malmö that creates interactive experiences in the borderland between art and ritual. At Inkonst they have presented Human Life Center: Learning by Love making, and a line of club nights. By and with: Tlön; Tom Oliver Jacobson, Ina Sandbacka, Adrian Kautsky | Supported by: Malmö Stad & Region Skåne.

Deconstructing and reconstructing the future

© Tlön & Isabelle Vuong
What happens when we stop insisting on keeping the future as a goal, and start treating it as an open-ended process in the making?
At Human Life Center#2, Isabelle Vuong provides an overview of Future Studies as well as a systematic deconstruction of current western ideologies about the future.
Showing how the fundamental ideas we have about our world become crucial in both how we read the past, and how we project forward to futures to come, this interactive lecture seeks to opens up other ways of thinking about the future.